8th African Islamic Finance Summit

Towards the pursuance of our goal to promote Islamic Banking and Finance all over the globe,…

Is Dar Al Takaful PJSC’s (DFM:DARTAKAFUL) Recent Stock Performance Influenced By Its Fundamentals In Any Way?

Dar Al Takaful PJSC (DFM:DARTAKAFUL) has had a great run on the share market with its…

AlHuda CIBE signed a MoU to establish for Takaful Company in Tajikistan

AlHuda CIBE and Tawhid Bank signed an agreement to set up first Shariah Based Insurance (Takaful)…

Exclusive Interview with Azeem Pirani

Tell me something about yourself and your organization, please? I am CEO of Pak-Qatar Family Takaful…

Malaysia: New Licensing Framework For Digital Insurers and Takaful Operators

On 4 January 2022, Bank Negara Malaysia (“BNM“), the Central Bank of Malaysia, issued the Licensing…

Takaful Industry Growth in Malaysia after Pandemic Increased

The Malaysian Takaful industry recorded strong growth in the Family Takaful and General Takaful businesses in…

GCC: Takaful Industry Growth and Challenges over the Horizon

 The takaful sector has benefited from strong earnings in 1H2020 driven by fewer motor and medical …

2nd International Conference on Ijarah (Islamic Leasing) and Takaful successfully held in Istanbul, Turkey

Islamic Finance Heading Towards New Destination (November 02, 2021 (Dubai)): The leading Islamic Finance consultancy services provider…

“Takaful; From You For You”

AlHuda Centre of Islamic Banking and Economics has announced a webinar series with Title; “Takaful; From…

Takaful (Islamic Insurance) Research and Development, and its Future Growth

Takaful is a Sharia-compliant Islamic insurance product, where members of the community contribute money or a…